Group of four women posed outside the Booth's residence, Maysbury, in Northcote, Victoria, December 1892. Group includes Mrs Sibthorp (?), Bella, servant, second servant, and M H Haldane. Photograph taken by Thomas Beckett. The original glass plate of this image is numbered MM 030088.
Part of a collection of glass plate negatives taken by Dr Thomas George Beckett, doctor, pioneering radiologist and amateur photographer between 1891 and 1910. The collection is primarily of Beckett's family, friends, homes, and towns and suburbs where Beckett and his family lived, including Charlton in central Victoria and Northcote & South Yarra, suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria.
Description of Content
Four female servants in front of the entrance to 'Maysbury'. They are standing on the verandah and there are vines growing along the trellis.
More Information
Collection Names
The Biggest Family Album in Australia, Dr Thomas George Beckett Collection
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Copied from T. G. Beckett, 28 Oct 1990
Place & Date Depicted
Northcote, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Dec 1892
Sands & McDoudall Directories indicate that a Reverend Caleb Booth and Mrs Eleanor Booth lived at Lawry Steet, Northcote between 1885 & 1895. The only other two Booths in Northcote at the time were a storeholder/draper in Charles Street and a John Booth who is recorded only between 1892 and 1894 in Hutton Street. -
Dr Thomas George Beckett, 91 Westbourne Grove, Northcote, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Dec 1892
Individuals Identified
Sibthorp, Mrs; Haldane, M.H.
Negative, 35 mm, Black & White
Type of item
Sands & McDougall's Melbourne Directories: 1885 p.216, 1892 p.368, 1893 p.610, 1895 p.34? & 1896 p.344.
Domestic Environment, Gardens, Houses, Servants, Trellises, Verandahs