Ten-inch RML guns on the pier during refitting of HMVS Cerberus, Williamstown, November 1898. The sailing ship Andreta is in the background.
Photograph by Thomas Beckett. Part of a collection of glass plate negatives taken by Dr Thomas George Beckett, doctor, pioneering radiologist and amateur photographer between 1891 and 1910. The collection is primarily of Beckett's family, friends, homes, and towns and suburbs where Beckett and his family lived, including Charlton in central Victoria and Northcote & South Yarra, suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria.
Description of Content
See glass plate No.162 - shows guns being fitted to Cerberus.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Mrs Joan Hadden, by Sep 1990
Place & Date Depicted
Williamstown, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 29 Nov 1898
Dr Thomas George Beckett, 180 High Street, Northcote, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 29 Nov 1898
Ship Depicted
HMVS Cerberus (Warship), Victorian Colonial Navy, Williamstown, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 29 Nov 1898
Guns taken from the HMVS Cerberus during a refit lying on the pier at Williamstown, November 1898. Although the Cerberus never went into combat, during the nineteenth century it was the most heavily armed ship in the southern hemisphere. -
Ship Depicted
Andreta (Sailing Ship), Williamstown, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 29 Nov 1898
The 'Andreta' depicted in the background was a square-rigged clipper ship engaged in the Australian wheat export trade around the end of the 1890s-1900s. The Adreta was reported in 'The Argus' on October 1898, as having just arrived in Hobsons Bay after 'A Senstational Experience' during a voyage from New York, in which the vessel was hit by a sudden squall on 7 July, with winds so severe that 'she was almost completely stripped of canvas'. (The Argus, 26 Oct 1898, p.5, 'The Ship Andreta - A Sensational Experience', National Library of Australia -
Glass Negative, Black & White
Original caption: 'GUNS OF CERBERUS, NEW AND OLD.'
Type of item
Record updated in response to DC Enquiry number 1301. The vessel in the background was previously incorrectly idenitiied as the HMVS Nelson, although the name 'Andreta' can be clearly read on the bow.