
Negative image of Sapper Alfred Galbraith's grave in Sailly-sur-la-Lys, France. The grave is bounded by a wooden frame and has an ornate cross. Sapper Galbraith was in Egypt with the 2nd and 5th Division from December 1915 to June 1916, when the 5th Division sailed to France. He died in France on 15 July 1916.

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Negative image of Sapper Alfred Galbraith's grave in Sailly-sur-la-Lys, France. The grave is bounded by a wooden frame and has an ornate cross. Sapper Galbraith was in Egypt with the 2nd and 5th Division from December 1915 to June 1916, when the 5th Division sailed to France. He died in France on 15 July 1916.

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