
Overview of sporting clubs at Sunshine Harvester Works

The Sunshine Harvester Works had a thriving sporting culture. Employees formed a variety of clubs and competed in local competitions. Teams from the company's national branches competed against one another at interstate championships. They also played against sporting teams from other firms, such as a cricket championship which was held against the International Harvester Company. The Sunshine Harvester Works' quoits, tennis, table tennis, cricket, golf and soccer teams were particularly successful, winning many local championships.

Other sporting teams formed by employees revolved around angling, chess, indoor bowling, hiking, squash, billiards and basketball. Furthermore, batinton, a combination of table tennis and badminton, was played on a smaller scale.

Many of these clubs held practice matches and social gatherings at Hampshire House, which was located across the road from the Sunshine Harvester Works factory. The clubs received financial support from the company's Social and Welfare Association.

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