Kodak Australasia Pty Ltd published a number of newsletters for their staff throughout the 20th century. One of these publications was the Kodak Dealer News, an external publication for Kodak retailers nationwide.

It is unclear when the first Kodak Dealer News was produced by Kodak Australasia Pty Ltd, but the earliest example in Museums Victoria's collection dates from 1964. These newsletters were square and printed in colour on glossy paper. They were usually 6-8 pages in length and provided dealers with a 'printed record' of new products, any price changes, suggestions for displays, and information about advertising campaigns.

From 1966 the Kodak Dealer News was accompanied by the Photo-Finishing Newsletter to keep dealers informed of current photo-finishing products, for dealers who developed film for their customers, and their potential as sales items to customers who developed their own films. The Kodak Dealer News also occasionally contained supplements with extra information and price lists.

In 1969, due to changes to the postal service, the Kodak Dealer News became 2cm shorter, but otherwise retained its appearance and overall design. It was also in this year that it began to be published bi-monthly, instead of quarterly, following feedback from a readership survey. The change in frequency was hoped to allow for changes in prices which often happened quickly and, therefore, weren't always included in the previous quarterly editions.

The Kodak Dealer News appears to have been published until the 1990s and Museums Victoria holds twenty-six examples, mostly from the 1970s, within its collection.

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