Kodak Australasia's Staff Amenities and Recreation at Burnley, 1950-1974

At Kodak Australasia's Burnley factory, the work was highly manual and repetitive, however staff could access various amenities and activities to alleviate the pressures of work for a while. The top floor of the building housed a staff canteen used for meals and events, while some work areas also were used for recreation.

In the 1950s, workers organised their own recreational activities, such as the Double K Square Dance Club which used the Powder and Solutions store-room as a dance-floor. Marie De Camara, nee McKinley, remembered dancing with the Double K Club and provided a number of images of the group enjoying themselves dancing in country and western style outfits.

In the 1960s, staff enjoyed celebrating Christmas with parties at the Burnley building. Marie De Camara again donated a number of images, showing her having fun with her colleagues.

In the 1970s, there was a table-tennis table area tucked away, adjacent to the Powder and Solutions work space, where staff could take a break if they had time.

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