
Rectangular black and white leaflet advertising Kodak cameras and films as part of a Christmas promotion in the 1930s, prior to World War Two. The cameras advertised include the Baby Brownie, Jiffy Kodaks, and the Six-20 and Six-16 Kodak Juniors.

The leaflet is a part of a scrapbook compiled by Kodak Australasia. The scrapbook contains 28 colour, and black and white promotional leaflets produced before World War Two for Kodak products that were mainly made in Australia. The leaflets promote cameras, film, film processing, moving footage products and equipment, medical imagery and include educational information on using Kodak products. The leaflets incorporate promotions relating to Christmas and other special events. For example, "Invite the Brownie family this Christmas". They also refer to specialist products, for example,"Bone Pathology - only Radiographs can provide definite diagnostic facts". The promotional materials range in size from 69 X 167 mm to 242 X 309 mm. This scrapbook is almost identical to HT 20571 regarding content.

Physical Description

Large, rectangular, black and white, paper advertising leaflet. Down the right hand side of the leaflet is a stylised image of a woman in a swimming costume holding a folding camera in her left hand and two boxes of Kodak film in her right hand. In the centre third of the leaflet are stylised images of cameras which accompany text advertising them. The cameras advertised include the Baby Brownie, Brownie, Jiffy Kodaks and the Six-20 and Six-16 Kodak Juniors. In the bottom third of the leaflet is also a stylised photograph of a man being buried in sand by a little boy and a woman in a swimming costume.

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