Box of Kodak, 'Dry Plates', 'Tropical', 'Quarter plate' manufactured by Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, 1920-1950.
Used by Vincenzo Candela after his migration to Australia in 1920. Vincenzo was a professional photographer in Viggiano, Italy, specialising in portraiture, landscape and village life. After his migration to Australia he continued to use his photographic equipment, more as a hobby than a trade, taking photos of family members and friends in his home, with impromptu backdrops such as a rug or a sheet.
Physical Description
Cardboard box with labels glued onto the top of the lid and underside of the box.
More Information
Collection Names
Museums Victoria/Italian Historical Society Co.As.It Collection, Candela Collection
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Phil Magris, Italian Historical Society (Co.As.It), 21 Jan 2000
Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, Abbotsford, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 1920-1950
Kodak Australasia became Pty Ltd in 1920 so this item dates to after that. The graphic design on the box suggests that 1950 is probably the latest date. -
On lid of box: Open only in Photographic/Dark Room.(in black)/KODAK/Dry/Plates(in red)/KEEP IN A DRY PLACE./MANUFACTURED BY/KODAK (AUSTRALASIA) PTY. LTD./WORKS: MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA.(in black)/TROPICAL (in red)/DEVELOPER MUST NOT BE UNDER 65 FAHR.(in black) Text on underside of box relates to the types of plates and instructions for development.
Brand Names
Type of item
Australiana, Italian Communities, Italian Immigration, Photographic Film, Photography