
Alternative name(s): button

Large badge with the slogan 'Nuclear War Can Spoil Your Whole Day', made by Northern Sun Merchandising circa 1970s-1980s. This is one of a series of badges and peace movement posters acquired by the museum following the exhibition 'Peace: an Exhibition' which explored the Peace movement and was part of the Victorian Government contribution to International Year of Peace in 1986. This message featured on many bumper stickers in the 1980s, but its source is unknown, as is for the vast majority of political slogans. It belongs to the extensive folklore of the anti-nuclear movement that abounds with witty one-liners. The tongue-in-cheek message betrays the unique combination of light-heartedness and serious issues representative of the radical activism of those decades.

Northern Sun Merchandising was founded in 1979 in America. The first project the owner was engaged in was selling anti-nuclear materials out of his backpack in the aftermath of the Three Mile Island nuclear plant accident in 1979. Throughout time the company has maintained the progressive nature of the messages on their t-shirts, button and stickers.

Physical Description

Circular badge. Laminated front with red background; black inscription. Silver coloured metal back with wire pin and loop.

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