
Alternative Name(s): Button

Karen Silkwood was an American chemical technician and labor unionist known for raising concerns about practices related to health and safety in a nuclear facility. Her job was to make plutonium pellets for nuclear reactors, but she also became an activist for worker's safety. Following her mysterious death in 1974 her family filed a lawsuit against chemical company Kerr-McGee, which was eventually settled. Due to the extensive media coverage around her death, the event became a rallying point for anti-nuclear activists and put the nuclear industry on the defensive. Her legacy was used in protests such as the Women's Peace Camp of 1983 opposing the Pine Gap base. Over 100 women broke into the compound and upon their arrest, they all gave their name as Karen Silkwood. This badge is an example of the confrontational stance that protesters took in trying to hold the nuclear industry responsible for an individual wrong as well as the overarching evils of the system.

Physical Description

Medium size badge. Purple background with pink printed text covering the badge. Pin on the back.

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