DCG5/2500. high voltage mercury vapour rectifier. Made by Philips in Holland. Donated by 3KZ Radio Station - 64 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne in 1936. Used for high power supply in transmitters.
Half wave; filament 5 volts at 10 amps; anode peak inverse 12 kilovolts 2.5 amps; peak 500 ma average.
Physical Description
Spherical bulb with long cylindrical stem on base side and smaller spherical bulb on top, mounted on a display block with a similar valve (sectioned) ST 21491. Large Edison screw base and top cap with bakelite and knurled brass termainal Puddle of mercury visible. Coiled coil filament; graphite anode.
More Information
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Acquisition Information
Donation from 3KZ Radio Station, 12 Aug 1936
Bulb: PHILIPS/DCG 5-2500/8(smudged)/182.Made in Holland Text on display label.
Brand Names
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
315 mm (Height), 90 mm (Outside Diameter)