
Note: This transcription includes derogatory slurs and references to particular cultural groups, and white superiority messaging (occur on pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 27). Such words and sentiments are not condoned by Museums Victoria which considers them to be racist. Historical distance and context do not excuse or erase this fact.

A diary - type letter written on Y.M.C.A paper to Freda Gwyn, from Dudley Townley enroute to Australia between Las Palmas and Capetown. Townley recalls when he received his Commission as Lieutenant. Townley spends his days on board playing Bridge (cards), quoits, attending concert nights and church. He was given some fresh oranges and writes that he doesn't want to know how he got them. Townley married Freda Gwyn after the First World War.

The letter is 34 pages long. According to Townley's Daughter, Mrs Patricia Fowles, Dudley married Freda Gwyn after World War I in England where they raised a family. Dudley met Freda while on leave in England through mutual friends.

Physical Description

34 page handwritten letter.

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