One of the first responses to the problems of excessive drinking in the 1800's was the formation of temperance societies. The Band of Good Hope was one of the first Children's Temperance Societies to be formed and became one of the most well-known. It was established by Ann Jane Carlile and the Reverend Jabez Tunniclif in 1847 in Leeds, England, and by 1889 there were over two million members in the United Kingdom. The Band of Hope spread throughout the English speaking world and was established in Australia by 1860.

Many Bands' of Hope were associated with Churches and temperance classes were often run in conjunction with Sunday School. The Band of Hope targeted children of parents who wanted their children to be educated and have a secure future. It was seen by many adults as a way to develop self-reliant working men who could use temperance as a route to self improvement.

To encourage children to join and remain members, groups held annual outings, tea meetings, offered music lessons, established orchestras and produced newspapers whose content promoted temperance. Meetings began with a temperance hymn, prayers and the chairman's speech, this was followed by music, recitations, readings and pledge signing.

Blocker, J., Fahey, D. & Tyrrell, Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia.

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